Page of Cups in Love and Relationships

Description: You are feeling a verbal or intuitively received soft information.

Page of Cups is a tarot card that asks us to look into small information that we receive from others around us and use it to understand our own situations. In relationship situations, Page of Cups signals that the two lovers can communicate very easily with each other because they are either tolerant people or they just have common interests.

A negotiation becoming romantic can also be a signal of Page of Cups. There is a bit of childishness in both the partners. There is nothing wrong with it. They simply are ready to kiss and make up. That is why, many tarot readers consider the card to be a sign of new beginnings. However, page is neither a king nor person from major arcana. So his effect is usually short lived. As mentioned before, he shows the childishness in partners. What this means is that their relationship might not be healthy and has little impact in creating a better future. But they do not care about this. They just want to live the moment that has helped them to stop the differences from causing a real breakup.

Feeling wise, Page of Cups implies tenderness. Yes, your love interest does feel that you are a nice person and because of this he might even talk to you routinely. There is a possibility for him to even ask you out, but that can be figured out by looking at the other cards you have in your reading.

Reversed Page of Cups tarot card can imply that the relationship is full of childish tantrums because one of the lovers now takes things to personally and this makes him very intolerant. This also makes the communication in the relationship difficult. As for feelings, they have turned neutral. Your love interest simply does not understand you and thus he does not see a reason to admire you at all.


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