Knight Of Cups In Love And Relationships

Description: A romantic time at your door step.

Knights of Cups represents a trip filled with love and joy. Similarly, in relationship situations, this tarot card implies that the two lovers are on a romantic journey. Now this can be an actual trip or purely psychological. Either way, there is a potential for the love and romance to blossom.

But for questions related to a casual dates, the Knight of Cups signals new possibilities opening. Perhaps, someone has really liked you and he has a plan to ask you to become his girlfriend. Good news is that if you say yes to him you will actually have the best time of your life with him. Yet it must be noted that this tarot card does not have anything to do with solid commitment which must be there in order for a relationship to become official.

Feeling wise, Knight of Cups talks of romantic love. Your love interest is really falling in love with you and thus he often finds himself drowning in fantasy about you. But this does not always mean that he is having the urge to contact you. Well, it is possible only if the two of you are in a real relationship.

In reversed position, Knight of Cups represents a deception. The relationship is getting rusted because one of the lovers is adulterous or fake. Forget about the trip. It is not going to happen. Instead more boredom in the relationship will be felt. For casual dates, the tarot card talks of bad luck. The dates are dishonest. They have no wish to be in a long term relationship. As a matter of fact, they are dating just for some one night stands. For feelings, Knight of Cups talks of shallowness. Yes, it is possible that your love interest still likes you, but he is not using much time to think whether you can be the one for him.


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