King of Cups in Love and Relationship

Description: You are experiencing a diplomatic moment.

King of Cups represents a neutral or positive point of view. Similarly, in relationship, it signals a peaceful time for the two lovers. In other words, they know how to solve relationship issues easily with each other and because of this, no argument takes place between them. Overall, King of Cups in upright position is a good card to get in a relationship reading.

If the question is related to a specific date or love interest then the appearance of King of Cups signals that his feelings towards you is neutral. He basically has no desire to be more than a friend to you and that is why, he chooses not to talk to you about a long term relationship. Good news is that this man does not play games. So when you will call him he will talk to you politely like a true friend.

Now if you are a man who has got a King of Cups in the reading as an answer to the question of whether a specific woman likes you then there is good news for you, for the tarot card signals that she has really fallen in love with you. It is just that you have impressed her greatly with your personality and because of this, she feels that you are too special. She also has a desire to see you as her boyfriend.

In reversed position, King of Cups tells of people running away from problems. Same is true in relationship situations. There are many issues in the relationship, but the two lovers are choosing to not do anything about them. As a matter of fact, every time a confrontation moment comes, one of the lovers goes into hiding or tries to change the topic with the hope to avoid anything too fatal.

Feeling wise, reversed King of Cups signals that you have been noticed by your love interest. However, he has not used a good amount of time to realize whether he likes you or not. Now in a man’s reading reversed King of Cups implies that he has been seen as untrustworthy by his love interest.


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