Ten of Swords in Love and Relationships

Description: Life is in turmoil or the body is tired.

Ten of Swords upright can be taken as one of the most dangerous tarot cards. Its keyword is “being attacked cruelly”. The pain it causes is extreme and although it is psychological in nature its effect can be felt even in the body. Apparently, Ten of Swords mainly describes a relationship that has just ended bitterly. In some cases, however, the tarot card can represent the worst possible betrayal in love which totally rips off the heart. A good example of it is when your partner announces that he is breaking up with you because he has found someone new. Now the pain that you will feel from his statement equals to what Ten of Swords plainly tells.

Additionally, this card shows a rejection. Now if you are arguing with your partner only to find out that you are being forced to drop the issue then this creates the Ten of Swords incident. In other words, canceling of the issues represents this tarot card, but it might not be well received by you and thus, you will feel that you will feel like a victim. Just think about how it feels when the heart is broken.

Interestingly, in some cases, when Ten of Swords appear for questions related to feelings it does not revolve around just one specific meaning. Sure it deals with rejection, but other times it can simply imply that for the time being, he is too tired because of other factors. He is sleepy or ill and thus, he is not in mood to have any romantic thoughts. That is why, you are not on his mind.

In reversed position, Ten of Swords can make things go either way. Usually, after a bad argument when you go to kiss and make up with your lover you give birth to the reversed Ten of Swords in your relationship because it implies that are ready to get out of a difficult situation with him. However, if the question is related to some kind of a relationship goal and Ten of Swords appears in reversed position in your reading then it implies that you would not be able to succeed in changing it into a reality unless you work extremely hard on it. For questions related to the feelings of your love interest, the appearance of it in the reading signals that he is beginning to have some positive thoughts about you.


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