Five of Wands in Love and Relationships

Description: A clash brewing.

Five of Wands tarot card has many different meanings, but all of them are connected to the keyword conflict. Unfortunately, there is just too much negativity attached to it. In other words, upright Five of wands says that in his heart, your partner feels the conflict about you so much that the relationship becomes too foggy for him to view.

The Five of Wands also depicts differences in the relationship. Both of you are too stubborn and because of this, you two are not interested in understanding each other’s point. Sometimes the card can appear in a reading to advice the partners to stop an on going argument because it is affecting other areas of their lives.

However, in a reading done on a date this tarot card shows a competition. That is, he has many options and you are just competing against them. Yet this does not signal whom he is going to choose as his real girlfriend. In fact, he himself is confused. He has no idea who will be best for him. Thus, he has not picked anyone.

Reversed Five of Wands signifies fading pain. Your partner is no more in conflict about what you told him. As for the argument situation, it is over. On the other hand, if it is just your casual date then he has made up his mind on whom he is going to pick as his lady love.


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