Six of Wands in Love and Relationships

Description: Winning at last.

Upright Six of wands can be seen as a tarot card that says what happens after you have gone through the conflict shown by Five of Wands. In other words, it tells of the positive thoughts coming in your mind about your partner and thus you have once again regained your peaceful self.

Interestingly, this Six of Wands is very similar to the reversed Five of Wands. So of course, it heralds the ended disagreement, but with a better twist. The meaning of number six is attached to every positive power. So when you get a Six of Wands in your relationship reading it tries to tell you that your relationship is now once again going towards a positive direction.

Six of Wands also can mean showing off relationships. In details, it represents a couple who take great pride in showing off that they are too happy in their relationship.

Reversed Six of Wands is not such a good tarot card to see in a reading, for it represents deep insecurity in the relationship. Victory does not seem within reach. Otherwise, you are not getting the kind of appreciation you deserve in a relationship, for you are being overlooked by your partner. Expect some sadness, but remember that it is not permanent.


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