Two of Cups in Love and Relationships

Description: Two people coming together to give birth to a bond.

The most straightforward meaning for upright Two of Cups tarot card is unity. In a relationship situation, after a bad argument, this tarot card represents making up. Sure Page of Cups says the same, but what makes this specific card different from that one is that it has a healthy doze of maturity.

Interestingly, the making up process described by this does not always have to be physical in sense. As a matter of fact, this card has a tendency to only show the psychological state of the two lovers. They have simply forgotten about what went wrong and thus, they have once again started thinking positively about each other.

Additionally, if you are just dating a person casually then the appearance of the Two of Cups signals that this dating will develop into something bigger. There will be emotional attachment. Yet you must remember that the real commitment of a relationship does not have complete connection with Two of Cups. Two of you will share some romantic time with each other and this make a positive big difference in how you think about each other. A good keyword to sum it up is “growth”.

Reversed Two of Cups tarot card talks of things going sour in a relationship. The two people do not try to make up with each other. Thus, the argument stays intact.It is also possible to expect some yelling and cursing to take place. Moreover, a temporary break up can end up looming. If not an argument then Two of Cups reversed represents the bareness in the relationship. The two people do not get along well and thus, they feel no love for each other. As for casual dates, in the same way, reversed Two of Cups tarot card signals that they will not see anything meaningful in the future because the two people do not have enough chemistry to create a romantic reaction.


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