The Empress Card in Love and Relationships

A lady from the dreams might have to meet his mom.

By general interpretation, the Empress tarot card depicts a woman who cares for everyone. In love and relationship, she is no different from the High Priestess. Only difference is that she is neither controlling nor intentionally influencing her man. Yet, her man thinks she is the ultimate woman of his life. In short, while he is the emperor of his own world, she is his empress!

For a relationship, the Empress card can have multiple meanings. First of all, its appearance can notify that the female partner is intending to be pregnant or she already is carrying the baby. But if this is not the case then things in the relationship are flowing smoothly.

Interestingly, this tarot card can also appear after two people decided to just break up. Under such circumstances, of course, a new beginning starts, but more than the man, the woman thinks about the breakup and often finds herself depressed about the change.

The appearance of this card for a question about what an ex is thinking about you can yield to three answers. Much depends on the surrounding cards, of course. If you are a woman then it basically says that he still believes you are the most attractive girlfriend of his life. He may also use your personality as a benchmark for who he wants as his life partner. This is similar to what we had earlier. The second one is that you have moved on usually in marriage sense. You are being happiness of someone else. In a guy's life, the woman can also represent the girlfriend or wife he is with. To understand this, see if the surrounding cards are being neutral towards you.

The Empress tarot card in reversed position is again similar to reversed High Priestess. The man no more thinks of his partner as attractive and caring. As a matter of fact, he might simply stop thinking about her. In relationship situation, this tarot card reversed can also mean severe sorrow being felt by both the partners. Arguments become apparent and the depression runs aggressively for the two. Unfortunately, it usually takes a lot of work to make things better once again.


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