Ten of Wands in Love and Relationships

Description: You are working too hard.

In upright position, Ten of Wands talks of too much to do. For a relationship this can either mean positive or negative. If there is good amount of love in the relationship then Ten of Wands signals that the two lovers are doing everything to keep each other happy. Now let’s see the negative side of this tarot card.  Does your relationship come across as too much problem? If your answer is yes then Ten of Wands says that both you and your partner needs to work a little bit more to make things okay in the relationship.

For feelings, this tarot card says that your lover is thinking that he is doing everything to keep you happy, but you are not really appreciating it at all. So he is somewhat tired with you. In some cases, the appearance of this tarot card also signals that your lover feels that being in a relationship with you means he is stuck with responsibilities that he hates to fulfill.

In reversed position, Ten of Wands represents a time when you have finally understood that you are doing too much for your relationship. So a vacation from it is possible. For feelings, reversed Ten of Wands emphasizes, “I don’t care” attitude. In this case, your lover does what he thinks is right. Yes, you are a burden for him and thus he makes sure to ignore you completely.


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