Nine of Wands in Love and Relationships

Description: You are ready to face challenges

Upright Nine of Wands talks of a person who is hurt, but does not mind going for another hurdle. For a relationship situation it signals issues that you are already aware of. Unfortunately, these issues cannot be solved by you. Despite this, you are not letting them affect you and thus you wish to just carry on with the relationship. Additionally, if the relationship is becoming too much of a problem the Nine of Wands tells that the lovers must make some changes in themselves so that happiness can knock on their door once again. This is the softest meaning.

It is truly unhealthy to get this card in a future position because it emphasizes nothing going good. The two lovers just keep hurting each other. The war keeps going in circle. Wands usually have less power. Their impact lasts for a couple of minutes or days. But this specific card is different. A year ago, I found it in the future position for my friend's relationship. She was not happy with her man. According to her, for one last time, she wanted to know what she was going to get out of their relationship. When this card came out I told her how she was going to get nothing but pain from it. It broke her heart. However, she did not end the relationship. To this day, the negative power of this card remains between them. She is suffering, yet she is not ready to let go of him.

For feelings, Nine of Wands represents pain stricken mind. Ask yourself if you have said something ugly to your lover. He is hurt by you, but has decided to yet go out with you. It is just that he wants to see if even after all the hurtful things you have told him he can have a future with you.

Reversed Nine of Wands tarot card represents shattering strength. The issues in the relationship are too much for you to bear. Thus, you might simply burst into tears or just move away from your lover. In short, it emphasizes, “I am done with this”.


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