Seven of Wands in Love and Relationships

Description: You are fighting for what you think is right.

The Seven of Wands can look like a complicated tarot card to interpret, for it can mean many different meanings, for its basic keyword is fighting for something that you feel is right. Now in a love or relationship situation this can be about just anything. Do you feel you need to push your opinion on your lover? If yes then upright Seven of Wands shows this in you. Overall, this is a tarot card that yells out that you want to work for yourself in a relationship situation. Interestingly, this tarot card can also talk of two lovers trying hard to run their relationship in the midst of many obstacles. Overall, it is not always a negative tarot card.  To understand how to interpret Seven of Wands better, do check the surrounding tarot cards you have in your reading.

Now if this Seven of Wands shows up in a reading regarding what your love interest thinks of you then it basically means that to him, you are independent and determined person.  The number seven is all about that strong hidden power we have within ourselves. So he might simply feel that you know how to get what you want in your life without anyone’s help.

In reversed position, Seven of Wands signals that your strength is in shaky ground. You are no more sure of what you in your relationship. Otherwise, you are getting defeated by the forcefulness of your lover. So basically, you are in a position where you cannot find the power to speak for yourself. When Seven of Wands comes up reversed for a relationship situation it basically implies that the two lovers are losing the power to fighting against challenging people or objects and thus their ties are severing.


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