Seven of Cups in Love and Relationships

Descriptions: You are giving into the fantasy.

Seven of Cups in the beginning can seem very complicated to interpret, for it is linked to multiple meanings, but remember they all end with the keyword, “lost”. Now when, in relationship readings Seven of Cups appears evaluate all the issues that you have with your partner. I actually received this tarot card as a warning in a reading I did for a controlling woman. The problem she had was that her relationship was always going through storm because she was not compatible with her freedom loving boyfriend. Just too many times they broke up, but every time she missed him she chased him with the offer, “Come, have sex with me”. In short, she used seduction to bring him back. It seemed to always work for her, but somehow she never found real happiness and commitment from him. This is what Seven of Cups really represented for her. They were together just for the sex. The lesson to take from this story is that we should see Seven of Cups as a wake-up call, for what looks desirable today might turn into poison tomorrow.

If you have still not understood the signal of the Seven of Cups then let me summarize it to you in clear words. Basically, the tarot card implies that there is something amiss in how two lovers deal with each other. For this reason, they do not work in realistic way to make things smoother in the relationship. Probably, they are with each other just for the lust factor, but this might not always be just about sex. The relationship can also be based on money and one of the partners is a gold digger. Now whatever the desire is, the alliance has been created by the two people so they can gratify themselves. Unfortunately, it will only lead them to unhappiness and nothing else.

For feelings, Seven of Cups talks of crush. That is, your love interest likes you, but his feelings have not grown into a true love. But if the question is about casual date then appearance of Seven of Cups in the reading signals that you will have a bright dating scene because of multiple options, but you will feel that you cannot make up your mind about who you want to pick as your partner for a long term relationship.

Reversed Seven of Cups implies an end to going by the moment. The couple is finally thinking practically to make their relationship smoother. But the real direction has not been found yet. For feelings, the reversed Seven of Cups emphasizes making logical judgment. Under such circumstances, your love interest might only like you because of your personality while assuming that outer beauty can deceive. However, if for any reason he has not shown interest in you then it means he does not like you because he does not know you well. Either way, he will not give into lust. He will just go by what is logical. For casual dates, you still have multiple options left, but you will know who among them is best for you.


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