Two of Wands in Love and Relationships

The skill is in your hand to make your dream come true.

You have been set in motion by the Ace of Wands. Now it is time for you to see if it yields to result. But for that you really have to work with your partner in the relationship. This is what the Two of Wands depicts in the relationship reading. So it is possible to say that you need to relax, for it says everything is fine in your love department. Just keep in mind that the two wands here are linked to things being balanced. In future position, it can presume a great victory with a good amount of diplomacy. A few examples are given below to explain it clearly for different relationship situations:

  • A serious conservation's ultimate result turning positive
  • Finding common ground
  • Achieving respect from the lover
  • Taking the kind of step that you always thought was too scary for you
Additionally, in a love reading, the Two of Wands talks of interest. Yes, the man likes you, but he is expecting the same in return from you. So you need to show him what you have in offer for him. For him, love is a two way street.

Now how would  you interpret this card if it represents your own personality in a reading you are doing about your love interest? How do you connect it to his feelings about you? Two of Wands has several hints as the main answer.Take a look at the man in the card. His clothes tell us that he is a the kind of person who is highly respected. He is holding a wand and globe. As we know by now, fire is the element that represents wand. There are many different meanings associated with it and among them one is influence. The globe he is holding while his eyes are on the distant horizon represents the world being in his hand. We need to also keep in mind that he is on the roof. When we connect all this to influence we see your personality as respectful to outsiders. This is what your love interest feels about you. In his mind, you are respectful, energetic and influential in a good way.  This card's number is 2. In numerology, it has almost the same meaning.

Reversed Two of Wands talks of the expected outcome failing in reality. Also, it signifies that the feelings of your lover are deteriorating day by day. In short, he is losing interest in you and at the same time his hopes in the relationship are coming to an end.


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